Tri-Fold Marketing Pamphlet

There are large number of templates and software available on the internet and other types of computer sources that can help people in drafting documents of various forms. These documents may be needed for business or corporate purposes, for official documentation, making supporting documents, educational reports or even household uses. Among the large number of templates available on the internet here is a brief description of the Pamphlet template.

What is a Pamphlet?

As per the definition, a pamphlet is a small booklet that does not have a hard cover or outer binding. In most cases it is a single sheet of paper that may have printed text on both sides. The pamphlet is created by folding this sheet of paper into two folds, three or even four folds. However in other scenarios there may be more than one sheet of paper. The few sheets are stapled together to form a small booklet called pamphlet. The purpose of the pamphlet is to provide information about a specific topic of interest. This may be related to an organization, the marketing of products and services offered by an organization or any other social or commercial cause.

Some utilizations of handing out pamphlets include the following:

  • It helps organizations and institutes to distribute information
  • Pamphlets can be used as advertising, marketing or promotional tools
  • Pamphlets can be used to get in touch with customers and stakeholders
  • In many cases they are used to get feedback of stakeholders like customers.

This Pamphlet

This tri-fold Marketing Pamphlet template is created using Microsoft Word. This template is created on a Letter size paper with 3 columns with printable text on both sides. You can modify any part of this template to make your own pamphlet by using this sample template.

Find below Front and Back screenshots of this pamphlet along with the download link.




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