22+ Free Letterhead Designs and Formats in MS Word

Here are two situations for you to consider that will help you promptly understand the importance and purpose of letterheads: Imagine finding a letter in your “received” mail one morning with no company logo or signature provided in bold, on the top or the bottom of the paper. You would definitely, for a moment, ponder who this might be from, deeply reading the letter you would find out the company’s identity.

Situation two is you receiving a letter with a clear company logo, address, mailing ID, and other details provided on the top of the letter in a welcoming and properly arranged manner. Even before deeply going through the letter, you at the first sight who the letter sender is and how much importance you need to associate with the letter.

What are letterheads?

A letterhead can be defined as a heading containing the name and address of the sender provided on the top of the sheet of paper or letter paper. It might also contain the logo or corporate design as well as a background in some of the cases. A letterhead can be considered as that sheet of paper or a letter that contains a heading of the sort. Other documents related to the business might also contain letterheads.

Download Letterhead Templates for MS Word

Download below 22 professionally designed Letterhead Templates in Microsoft Word for Both Personal and Business Use. All of these templates are absolutely free, fully customizable, and highly printer-friendly (easily printable for any resolution).

6+ Personal Letterhead Templates for MS Word


Free Business Letterhead Templates for MS Word

Modern Letterhead Templates & Designs for MS Word

Letterhead Templates for Legal Notice in Microsoft Word


Do we really need letterheads?

Letterheads can be counted as a means of communicating and delivering a significant meaning to the business you are dealing with. A letter received with a properly created and impressionable letterhead is very likely to bring the reader’s attention towards your letter, even before he has gone through the content body. Letterheads nowadays are considered a symbol of companies that are successful or have a strong sense of identity and organization.

A striking letterhead is very probable to be remembered by the readers in the fast world of today. With millions and millions of companies all around, the ones with strong graphical individuality will stay with the customers and the public for a longer time. Letterheads cannot be deemed as an absolute necessity but are nevertheless beneficial as a fundamental business representation.

Where do we use letterheads?

Not only businesses but governmental agencies, NGOs, banks, schools, universities, and SMEs keep their specific letterheads for formal and professional purposes. Letterheads can be used in documents such as:

Notices, Circulars, formal business letters, invoices, announcements, proposals, applications, and other formal documents such as resignations, leave requests, salary increment requests, etc.

Not only organizations but famous personalities and social icons also keep letterheads while communicating with others.

Video Tutorials

Watch the videos below to see that how easily you can create Letterheads in Microsoft Word.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ayf5MjkqyI0

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrpYTQ6ZhSg

What benefits can a letterhead earn your way?

  • Your chance to make the right first impression:
    The moment your letter comes into the hands of the reader, the first thing they would notice is the outer appeal of the letter that includes the letterhead. No matter how impressive and out of the world your content is, if the external features have not been maintained, it would put a bad impression. A well-generated letterhead gives an idea about the amount of thought, creativity, and effort that has been put into it.

  • Legal property:
    The permission to create a specific letterhead associated with the company is only issued to a few particular positions. Whoever tries copying it can be charged with data theft and copyright infringement. Therefore, a letter received with an identifiable letterhead would clearly mean it has only been generated by that company and nobody else. A letter from the same company without a letterhead can be considered doubtful.

  • Way of strengthening your company’s representation:
    In the formal, image-centered world of today, businesses with a strong image and credibility are more likely to make it to the customers and will gain more repute. Letterheads, therefore, are one effective way of building that repute by displaying your company’s worth through graphic representation. A poorly designed letterhead will imply the little effort put into the process.

  • Your important selling point:
    A letterhead can enhance your market value and general worth among the customer. It can serve as a sales and marketing tactic and attract the attention of the customer. They can readily become a fan of your visual aesthetic and might want to give your product or service a try. With the right placement and positioning of your letterhead, it can serve as a strong brand image and build your identity.

  • Method of written communication:  
    Just like various symbols and logos used by companies to reinforce their meaning and image, letterheads are an important source of written communication that can easily deliver your message to the reader.

Can letterheads be paperless?

With the growing concern and confusion over the deteriorating environment, people are tending to go as paperless as possible. This will help reduce the stress on forests and would trim down the number of trees chopped down every day to create paper. It is an evident fact that the same communication and brand imaging can be ensured while shifting from paper to e-letters having letterheads. These can promote eco-friendliness and help your corporation play its part in corporate social responsibility.

A good-looking letterhead:

Hiring a well-experienced and intelligent graphic designer for your business will help you come up with innovative, bold, marketable, unique, and aesthetically pleasing letterheads that can bring you numerous benefits. An average-sized good-looking letterhead needs to have a size of about 900pixels by 100pixels. It must contain all the necessary details of your business such as name, logo, address, tagline, contact details, email IDs, fax, etc.

In addition, the text font must be readable, neither too small, nor too large. It must be ensured that the letterhead is not filled with words and words, leading to an amalgamation of text. The colors must not be monotonous, or overly bright, rather an average four-colored letterhead would be fine. The paper on which the letterhead has been printed needs to be really fine too.

A carefully designed letterhead can certainly add bonus points to your business’s marketing approach and earn you the right fame!