11+ Free School Flyer Templates to Promote Your School Activities

No matter which country or region your school belongs to, regardless of the type and category of the school, school flyers are and will remain to be one of the most effective and useful means of letting the masses know of your school. Announcing the opening up of a new school, or announcement of an offer or degree commencement related to the school is possible with the help of school flyers.

Flyers are a beneficial technique of marketing, similarly, school flyers help advertise ideas and communicate within and outside the school. Within the school, school flyers help to reach your message to students, teachers, parents, as well as other faculty members. While outside the school these flyers help deliver a specific message around the community.

School flyers these schools have deviated from the conventional paper, or poster ones and shifted to online ones in many cases. Several schools choose to use both online and offline communication means for sending their word across.

Download Templates

On this page, you can find School Flyer Templates designed in MS Word. These flyers are created for different occasions, events, and purposes for a school. Customizing these flyers is so easy for anyone who can use Microsoft Word. Download any of these below to create a flyer for your school within just a few minutes.

#1 – Admissions Open for New Session Flyer Design

Use this flyer design to create a flyer for the Commencement of New Academic Session for your School or any other educational institute.

Admissions Open for New Session Flyer Design in MS Word

#2 – COVID-19 Build New Routine School Flyer

COVID-19 Build New Routine School Flyer Template in MS Word

#3 – School Admissions Open Flyer

School Admissions Open Flyer Template for Microsoft Word

#4 – Flyer Template for School Event

Flyer Template for School Event in MS Word

#5 – New School/Institute Inauguration Flyer

New School/Institute Inauguration Flyer Design in MS Word

#6 – After School Program Flyer

After School Program Flyer

#7 – Extracurricular Activities Sign-Up Flyer

Extracurricular Activities Sign-Up Flyer Template

#8 – Parent Teacher Meeting Flyer

Parent Teacher Meeting Flyer

#9 – School Fundraising Event Flyer

School Fundraising Event Flyer

#10 – School Holiday Announcement Flyer

School Holiday Announcement Flyer

#11 – School Sports Day Flyer

School Sports Day Flyer

When are school flyers needed?

  • School Inauguration- Upon the opening of a new school in the community, we begin receiving their flyers that are the primary source of us knowing of that school in the first place. in addition to other marketing techniques, school flyers have been recognized as one of the most operative communication tools.
  • New session commencement- When the admission opens at the beginning of a new session, school flyers are distributed around the area so that parents looking for a new school for their children get to learn of this.
  • An event or a function- When there is a party, a sports event, a movie night, a musical evening, or a book reader’s club session at the school, the participants from inside the school can be invited through flyers. Community participation can also be ensured through online or hard flyers sent out.
  • Social event- Various schools tend to take part in social or community events for philanthropic or social service causes. These include free-eye checkup camps, vaccination camps, polio drives, etc.

How should school flyers be designed?

Eye-catchy yet clear designs

Just like the school environment, school flyers must be interesting too!

School flyers must be bold and straightforward with the information stated clearly. Intertwined facts and confused messages might display your flyer as carelessly designed. The font must be readable, with only the very important details provided.

Lively colors

No one ignores a brightly-toned poster!

School flyers are meant for younger students in several cases, making it almost essential to use vibrant tones in them to catch one’s attention. If the school has some established brand color associated with it, using those colors every single time will help identify your flyers even from a distance.

Complete yet minimalistic

We don’t like a crowded flyer, anyway!

School announcements with tons and tons of information and unnecessary words exhibit your inability to understand the basic purpose of a flyer. Do not be over-enthusiastic about what to write in a flyer. The job is to deliver the key message around, and this is it!

Video Tutorial

Watch: How to Design a School Flyer in MS Word

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