Business is one of the most primitive forms of-trade and professional workings. It has been practiced since ancient times and ruins of various civilizations have shown evidence of such business processes. Over the large period of time, many evolutionary and revolutionary processes have taken place in the business operations. These changes and improvements have taken place in various departments and functions. One important category that has been developed in the past is business documentation. Whether it is for internal purposes or external, it is a must for the successful and smooth operations of the business process. One such document is the petty cash receipt.
Petty Cash:
Petty cash is an account formed in the business entity to cater for the financial expenses of the tasks and chores that are carried out on regular basis. This may include special food for employees once in a while, letter courier, buying of tea item and other small onetime expenses.
Petty Cash Receipt:
The petty cash receipt is a supporting document that is used to provide accountability to your petty cash actions. It helps you record your spending activities and produce it whenever there is a requirement for this receipt.
Every organization has its own format of documents already drafted. But if you are looking for a format for this particular form, you can simply download this easy to use and highly customizable petty cash receipt template which is created using Microsoft Word. You can make modifications according to your needs and requirements and use it the way you want.
Have a look at the screenshot of this sample receipt below along with a download link.
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MS Word Cash Receipt