Professional Staff Meeting Agenda (Informal) Template in MS Word

If you are in search of an informal staff meeting agenda, you have already come to the very right place. Furthermore, if you need to compile a meeting agenda for whatever reason, you can download this template from here.

What is an Informal Meeting?

This could be required by the business to discuss various matters. In contrast to big well scheduled formal meetings, such meetings are unplanned, unregulated, quick, and short. There could be no predefined minutes, chairperson, or a properly outlined agenda. You may not go to a corporate place or a boardroom to hold such meetings. Such meetings can take place anywhere like at a Tuck Shop, restaurant, worker’s table, or even in your office’s corridor.

This Template

This template has been creating using MS Word with a nice layout with pre-defined styles which will help you to fulfill your work in more than just a few minutes. You can use this sample template for a big business, medium-level organization, or small business. You can use this to create your meeting agenda using any text editor you have but preferably use Microsoft Word to get the maximum benefits of this template.

Key Points to Fill-in

The key points that need to be added here are listed below,

  1. Date, time and location of the meeting.
  2. Name of the person this meeting is called by.
  3. What type of meeting is this?
  4. Who is the facilitator and Note Taker?
  5. Attendees
  6. Things that attendees need to bring with them.
  7. Agenda Items
  8. in Other Information, you can write down Observers, Resources, and Special notes.

Below is the screenshot of this template along with the Download link


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