Business Card Template with Front & Back Sides in MS Word

Organizations and companies that want their businesses to run in a smooth and systematic way, need to have proper procedures and processes in place. Every department should have its standard operating procedures and all employees should adhere to these rules and regulations.

For the same purpose of making things systematic and transparent, there is a wide range of official business documentation that must be done in order for the maintenance of records and accountability of the business transactions. Different official documents are utilized for different purposes. One such official rather professional document is a business card.

What is a Business Card?

A Business card is a small document or card that is used for the formal deliverance of one’s contact information to another individual. This is an easy method of producing a reminder for others and making the communication convenient and formal.  This business card is mostly used as a tool for an introduction to someone.

Contents of a Business Card:

Although the basic contacts of the business cards remain the same, there are small variations according to one’s needs and preferences.  Some common elements include the following:

  • The name of the cardholder or giver
  • His contact information like phone number, email, and address
  • This professional designation
  • Company name or organization that the individual is affiliated

The format of such business cards also varies from person to person and samples can be searched through the internet.  These can be used as guidelines to make modifications and produce your own business card.

This Business card template is created using MS Word with Frontside and Backside options. If you only want to use the front side and not the backside, you can simply remove it from the design before printing.



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