7+ High-Quality Accounting & Auditing Proposal Templates for MS Word

These proposal templates are created in MS Word 2016 with high-quality vector graphics, which make them highly printable and give you the best experience to have a hard-copy of any of these. Apart from that, each and every part of these templates is fully customizable. You can mold and modify any part of these templates very easily with-in the MS Word.


Many companies require services to take control of the financial part of the business so that they can focus properly on the main business. Accounting means to record all the transactions associated with business through comprehensive as well as systematic means. Through accounting, companies are aware of how much profit they are making and where exactly it is spent. Moreover, the government also looks for financial data for tax reasons.

Creating an accounting proposal is a necessity and is not a piece of cake for sure. The scope includes about us after introduction, summary, proposal, your services, and the prices you offer.

Your goals included in the accounting proposal for providing services should be:

  • Contribute to the sustainable success of the business and keeping an eye on financial reports with a regular appraisal.
  • Provide efficient experience in accounting that will support the business.
  • Ensure sound financial advice regularly for the data.

Creating an Accounting Proposal

Services like that of accounting are mostly outsourced by companies simply because they do not have enough time to make space for the accounting dept. they can also save more when hiring such services from a third party. Here are a few important points you must consider when writing an accounting proposal.

1. What is a proposal?

You must have proper knowledge of what a proposal is before you head off to start writing one. Read different materials and do thorough research to understand the purpose of the proposal fully. This is key to create effective and high-quality proposals that are likely to get selected.

2. Gather samples and templates:

You can use various templates and samples as study material to get a good idea. Use them as a reference for what you are going to write. Any sample for this job would do but to study in detail, choose the accounting ones, and study the writing style of different people. capital investment proposal samples, business proposals, and marketing proposals samples can also be used because with these templates and samples, you can get tons of ideas in your head exploding already. There are also tips and tricks mentioned to help you out.

3. Start writing your draft with the help of resources and references:

You can finally start by writing a good draft with all the knowledge you have gained from references and resources. Do not forget to include all parts of the proposal. this includes title, introduction, background, history, executive summary, etc.

4. Finalize your work and review it.

Complete your proposal and review it. Remember, it is never a bad idea to review your work one more time no matter how much you already have. Keep doing it till you are satisfied with it and so is your colleague that you have taken help from. Ensure that your content is coherent and only make appropriate changes to it not the unnecessary ones.

5. Submit to requesting organizations.

Once you have made the final changes, submit your proposal after printing it to the organizations and companies requesting it. It is integral that the company’s guidelines are followed from top to bottom. At last, try not to submit it after the deadline.

Sample Accounting Proposal Template with Beautiful Cover Page

The accounting proposal is usually given in response to acquiring accounting services. They may also prove helpful when there is a need to convince clients to invest in a business so that they may fund a particular project to be started by a business. The accounting proposal is written by giving a summary of the project and evaluating it on the basis of available resources.

You may also need to tell why you are the best amongst others to be selected for providing the accounting proposal. The purpose of accounting is to write draw the true financial position of a business. Tell investors about the current economic condition of the business or even attracting potential investors or clients who are likely to invest in the business in the future. It helps in making financial decisions. It helps keep track of business expenses and income.

Business Accounting Proposal Template

An accounting proposal is written in response to a request for accounting services. A business accounting proposal is written to help the business owner get funds for a particular project or attract probable clients so that they may invest in the business. A good business accounting proposal increases the likelihood of clients taking interest in your business and being willing to fund an ongoing project.

It reflects the economic and financial position of the company in the market. Your financial position is what makes other clients make decisions regarding any financial help which they may offer you by investing in the business. Usually, these proposals are made when a business is about to go for a big project which requires a lot of money to get started. It is for this reason that potential clients are attracted to invest in the business so that it helps in taking the project ahead.

Cost Allocation Proposal Template

The cost allocation proposal is a written document that summarizes the procedures and the methodologies used by an organization for allocating costs to grants and programs. It is basically prepared for the internal clients which are your employees and managers working for the organization. Different costs are allocated to a different set of divisions by the organization depending on the level of output outlaid by the organization. The cost allocation proposal has four main objectives:

  • Encourage managers and employees
  • Know the cost of goods sold and the cost of inventory.
  • Realize the economic effect of planning and control decisions
  • Provide justification for pricing and reimbursement.

The purpose of making a cost allocation proposal is to help organizations make the right decision, reduce waste, and determine the price of their products. It proves helpful because the cost is distributed in individual items whether being a direct or an indirect expense for the company.

School Fundraising Accounting Proposal Template

It is not a surprise for anyone that schools do take part in fundraising activities. The school fundraising accounting proposal describes the purpose of fundraising followed by the date during which the fundraising activity will be carried out. If any group within the school is sponsoring the program, it needs to be mentioned and if some organization from outside is to provide support then it should also be mentioned.

Any history of fundraising if there had been a past activity done for fundraising, should be mentioned declaring the amount of profit made and the distribution of funds. As for the current fundraising accounting proposal, it should be mentioned how many students are taking part in it whether all are involved or only specific groups of students would lead the activity. Members of faculty with their respective names must be mentioned. Expected expenses for running the activity must be stated along with the expected profit that is to be generated.

Download Auditing Services Proposal Template

An audit is defined as the process of evaluating and examining a company?s financial statements. An audit is performed by external examiners who are professionals in this field. They closely inspect your current financial statements and give a review of them afterward. An audit is normally performed every year in order to determine the current financial position of the organization.

The audit may be performed by audit firms that have professionals hired for auditing services. These agents approach companies for letting them audit their financial statements. They perform the audit in a totally unbiased manner thus producing a true picture of the company?s financial position. Any fraud done by the company in preparing its statements is detected by the auditor because he is an individual who has an acute knowledge of everything in this field. Auditing firms charge for performing the overall audit of the company?s financial condition.

Download Accounting Services Proposal Template

The accounting service proposal is given in response to hiring the accounting service of an individual. Accounts tell us about the financial position of a company at large determined to an extent the future financial condition of the company. Through an accounting service proposal, a body, or an individual after a close examination of the companies accounts prepares a financial statement reflecting the income and expenses of the company over a period of time. It also reflects the profit or loss incurred by the organization. Depending upon the date given by the organization for preparing the accounts, the company accounts are prepared.

Any individual who has sound knowledge of accounting may offer his services for preparing accounting statements. They normally charge a fee for examining and preparing the accounts of the company. They help organizations make decisions basing on the financial condition of the organization.

Download Accounting Professional Auditing Services RFP (Request for Proposal)

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