Download School Fundraising Accounting Proposal Template

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It is not a surprise for anyone that schools do take part in fundraising activities. The school fundraising accounting proposal describes the purpose of fundraising followed by the date during which the fundraising activity will be carried out. If any group within the school is sponsoring the program, it needs to be mentioned and if some organization from outside is to provide support then it should also be mentioned. Any history of fundraising if there had been a past activity done for fundraising, it should be mentioned declaring the amount of profit made and the distribution of funds. As for the current fundraising accounting proposal, it should be mentioned how many students are taking part in it whether all are involved or only specific groups of students would lead the activity. Members of faculty with their respective names must be mentioned. Expected expenses for running the activity must be stated along with the expected profit that is to be generated.

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  • File Size 673.50 KB
  • File Count 1
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