10+ Free Cover Page Templates for Research Papers in MS Word – (Pro Formats)

On this page: you can find 10 professionally designed, yet free, Cover Page Designs and formats specially designed for Research Papers. All of these cover pages are designed in Microsoft Word with high-quality vector graphics and shapes that give you the best and high-quality printing experience.

#1 – General Design


Fonts Used: Bebas Neue, Calibri

#2 – For Analytical Research Paper


Fonts Used: Cambria, Calibri

#3 – Format for Argumentative Research Paper


Fonts Used: Adobe Gothic Std B, Calibri

#4 – Best for Case and Effect Research


Fonts Used: Bebas Neue, Calibri

#5 – Compare and Contrast Format


Fonts Used: Calibri

#6 – Design for Definition Research Paper


Fonts Used: Cambria, Calibri

#7 – Experimental Research Paper Design


Fonts Used: Bebas Neue, Calibri

#8 – Interpretative Research Paper Format


Fonts Used: Bebas Neue, Calibri

#9 – Best Format for Problem/Solution Research Paper


Fonts Used: Bebas Neue, Calibri

#10 – Template for Survey Research Paper


Fonts Used: Adobe Heiti Std R, Calibri

This is the front page of research work widely known as the thesis. It is written by a student who is undergoing any degree program and duly submitted to the teacher after completion. This covers the following areas:

  • Name of student
  • Name of university
  • The title of research done
  • Name of professor
  • Due date of the paper.

Name of student:

The student is required to clearly specify his name on the cover page when submitting.

Name of university: The name of the university from where the student is completing his education is to be mentioned.

Title: The title or more comprehensively the topic must be stated.

Name of the professor: The name of the professor to whom the student is to present the paper must be mentioned.

Due date: The due date of the paper must be specified.

Essentials of a research cover paper

First of all, this must be neat and clear. The student should avoid using unnecessary graphical images while making it. If any graphical image goes well with the topic, only then the student must use it but still, he should be careful in handling it. The graphical image must not overlap the text underneath it as this would create a hurdle in reading the topic by the teacher. One should be very careful with the name spellings of the paper title, itself, and the professor’s name as any error might not be liked by the professor.

Your cover page will basically set the mood of the professor reading your work. It would either provoke him to go through the whole paper or else stop him right away from moving any further. The front page helps create the first impression on the reader of the paper.

Importance of good research paper cover page

A well-designed cover page will reflect professionalism and an attitude of responsibility towards your academics. It also shows your seriousness towards your work and the level of dedication you had towards your work. It also puts light on your academic activities reflecting that how much responsibility you take regarding your curriculum. The topic is chosen by you also reflects your area of interest. For students coming up with remarkable cover pages, maybe in future recommended by their professors to some other body for any consultation required for any such work. The image you decide to reflect in others’ eyes regarding you plays an important role for future prospects.

It helps attain a certain position at a certain level or makes you stay where you had been before. It is therefore your tone and style which puts you either forward or backward depending on the tone you have successfully set while devising the cover page. A good impression will have a long-lasting positive effect whereas a negative one will block all bright prospects for future endeavors.

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