The event of an accident taking place is inevitable. It can take place anywhere and with anyone. What makes it important is its reporting to the concerned authorities the way it took place. The minute details which have led to the accident must be provided accurately while reporting as manipulated information may lead to more misconceptions.
Reporting procedure
Whenever an incident takes place though it is very difficult to remain calm, still one must try to have control over itself. You need to monitor the whole situation and not only that but also report it with the help of information provided to you.
Form a team
For an investigation team comprised of individuals who are trustworthy and capable of doing so.
Seal the area
Sealing the area where the incident has taken place actually does not let any other body other than the investigation team enter the premises where the incident has taken place. It is very important to do so as it prevents from either hiding the information or manipulating any.
Movable property
Look for any movable property that might have been used during the incident. The name of the object used must be written.
Persons present
The name of individuals who were actually present at the time of the accident must be listed down. This list also includes the parties who had actually gone into the conflict ending up with an accident.
Date and time
The date and time of the incident must be written correctly.
If the investigation team does suspect any individual other than the parties involved in the incident, then their names must also be written so that they may also be investigated in order to get the true picture of the incident.
Person injured
Any individual who has been injured as a result of the incident, then his name must be written. Furthermore, it should also tell that whether the person was given first aid or not.
The investigation is done in order to know the real cause behind the incident. Once the cause is known, it is easy for the team to proceed further with the details. It does happen that at times what you see through the details is actually not the true picture, it is for this reason that an investigating team is formed up for uncovering any new developments relating to the incident.
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Student Conduct Incident Report