11+ Free Editable Announcement Card Designs & Formats in MS Word

It is natural to feel all pumped up when you have great news to share. Some plan to keep it all private and enjoy keeping it to themselves. These people find it better staying low-key with the news. However, others find contentment in sharing their happiness with their loved ones.

Whether it’s the much-awaited arrival of a tiny soul, your ever-anticipated graduation, your long-awaited wedding, or a dream job you’ve just acquired; news sharing is special. If you’re thinking of a perfect way of delivering this news to your acquaintances; announcement cards are your saviors.

With mobile phones being used for almost all purposes around, announcement nowadays is made via these too. Whereas, there are people who still prefer an artsy, considerate, and effortful way of conveying their special news around.

When are announcement cards needed?

Customizable, personally designed announcement cards are sent out for sharing your extra special news with friends and family. These cards can be sent out on occasions such as birth, wedding, member, birthdays, retirement, graduation, pet adoption, a new house/property, business success, a new entrepreneurial venture, or a new milestone in life.

How can one design announcement cards?

You don’t have to break your bank while trying to send your news out to others. Announcement cards can be light on your pocket and amazingly stylish at the same time. You can get to design your announcement cards on your PC, and print them right away. The quality of the cards will be compromised a little, but the cost-effectiveness suffices, doesn’t it?

If you believe you don’t possess what it takes to create and design announcement cards on your own, you can easily acquire some designer’s help. There are many out there, who will customize your cards according to your choice. Professionally designed cards have better quality and design features.

If you’re on a budget, designing them by yourself, or sending a text message, an email, or a Facebook message will be just fine. There is no such way as an “appropriate” way of announcing your incredible news. It is the feeling behind that matters, right?!

Announcement cards etiquettes:

It is better to send away those announcement letters as soon as possible after the news. The news loses its significance when the message gets away a little late than it must have. The earlier, the better!

The choice of components you feel like adding to your announcement car is fairly your choice. You can add photos, quotes, and details of the person the news is about, etc. The design must not be overwhelming or overly decorative. Elegant, yet crafty cards serve the purpose the best!

Significance of announcement cards:

In times when people usually don’t believe in sharing things anymore; announcement cards sent away to friends will reveal your care and ability to believe in old-school traditions.

The baby who finds out his/her birth-announcement cards years after in his mom’s memoir collection will surely be stuck with exhilaration. It’ll make them feel loved, for sure, and bring back memories.

Download Announcement Templates for MS Word

Scroll down to view and download 11 editable announcement templates designed in Microsoft Word.


Beautiful Birthday Announcement Design



Business Event Announcement Poster

Business Event Announcement Poster Template for MS Word


Funeral/Death Announcement Card

Funerral/Death Announcement Card Format in MS Word


Graduation Party Announcement & Invitation Flyer

Graduation Party Announcement & Invitation Flyer in MS Word


Inauguration Grand Opening Announcement Template

Inauguration Grand Opening Announcement Template for Microsoft Word


Job Vacancy Announcement Template

MS Word Job Vacancy Announcement Template


Marriage/Wedding Announcement Format

Marriage/Wedding Announcement Format in MS Word


Missing Pet (Dog) Announcement Template

Missing Pet (Dog) Announcement Template in Microsoft Word


New Product Announcement Format

New Product Announcement Format - MS Word


School Admission Open Announcement Format

School Admission Open Announcement Format - [DOCX, MS Word]


Winner Announcement Template

Winner Announcement Template for MS Word

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