Offense Incident Report

Whenever an individual does something which is against the rules and regulations of an organization or institute through his verbal speech or practically enacting then he is being offensive. The most important thing to note here is that the individual's act must be of a nature that has affected the other fellow beings or has affected the smooth functioning of the organization. If the individual’s nature is somehow affecting his working capabilities, then the higher officials need to talk to him in this manner.

What makes an act to be reported?

Likewise stated above that if any individual’s actions affect the people around him and the institute as a whole then it needs to be reported. The moment you are being harmful to others is the time that your act of misconduct be reported so that you may be stopped right there. Routine matters that are non-effecting obviously do not require any reporting.

Essentials of a report

The essential elements of a report must not be missed in any case. The person writing the report must provide all the necessary details required for compiling the report so that once the facts and figures are investigated, one can make a decision.

The report should however cover the following:

Date and place of offense: The date along with the place of the offense must be mentioned clearly. The place may be a certain department or a particular section of a building where the incident took place.

Cause of offense: The cause of offense in other words the series of events or events which had led to the offense actually taking place must be mentioned. If it was due to some unforeseen circumstances, then the same must be stated.

Persons involved: The name of the individuals who were part of the offense must be mentioned along with the positions they hold currently. Gender and age must also be written.

Eye witness: The respective names of the eyewitnesses to the incident must be written down.

Injury: It must be stated that as a result of the offense did anyone got injured or not? If any individual was found injured, then was he given first aid or the injury was of a critical nature that he had to be taken to the hospital.

The report must sketch the true picture of the incident. All details must lead the reader to make a scenario of what had happened in his mind thus investigating more on the issue.

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