Download Company Warranty Certificate Format for Microsoft Word

A warranty certificate is a certificate handed out to customers buying products or equipment from a certain retailer or dealer. This is to make sure the customers can get the product replaced or changed when there is a certain failure in the product or a fault that makes the product unable to function. This is an essential document that makes it possible for a customer to claim a replacement, change, or repair in the product. There is a specific limit or period specified on the warranty certificate that binds the customers to get back within that period in case the need arises.

It is imperative that the warranty certificate is designed and formulated in such a manner that allows the customers to get aware of all the terms and conditions such as the period for which the warranty card is valid, and other information.

Company Warranty Certificate Format
  • Version
  • Downloads 1029
  • File Size 1.86 MB
  • File Count 1
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