Download Standard HR Monthly Report Template for MS Word

This is a standard monthly report template designed specifically for people involved in human resource management. The main purpose of this template is to make it easier for managers to compile HR reports for a company or organization on a monthly basis.

The cover page of this HR report template has been beautifully designed with some spherical graphics and a picture of some employees sitting in the office. The combination of beautiful colors and graphics gives the cover page of this template a very beautiful and attractive look. This template uses beautiful headings for each section as well as attractive infographics which makes this report even more appealing. You can write the name of the month and the year under the title at the top of the cover page. Below this will be written the name, position, and contact information of the manager who compiled this report. At the bottom of this page, you can put your company logo on the image.

In the first section on the first page of the report, you can describe the achievements of your HR department for the mentioned month. In the second section on the same page, you can describe the number and details of the existing employees and workers of the company. This section also uses a table in which you can provide all the information about the employees, how many people were in the company in the last month, how many new people joined this month and how many people resigned from the company.

The second page is to describe the details of recruitment and pieces of training. Many companies do not provide training for their employees on a monthly basis, so if this page does not meet your requirements, you can delete or ignore it.

The third page is about the company's events this month and the best performing employees. Describe in the Recognition section the details of your employees who have performed very well this month and the company has recognized them based on that performance.

The fourth and final page is for employees or HR department related errors and their prevention. In the Concerned Areas section, describe all the shortcomings that need to be focused on and improve their performance. In the Focus for Next Month section, cover all the things you need to plan for the next month.

This monthly HR report template is a standard and professional template that is the best fit for any organization's HR department.


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  • File Size 861.05 KB
  • File Count 1
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