Download Customizable Daily Progress Report Card Sample for Microsoft Word

We all remember those “ever-dreaded” result days or annual meetings, that were usually conducted so as to hand the student’s performance document (the report card) to his/her parents. For some it might be a source of accomplishment and success, while for others might be a message, they weren’t ready to receive!

Report cards also known as Result cards or Progress reports have for a very long time acted as the primary mean of communication between the child’s school and their parents. These are no longer simply about stating grades and marks! Report cards these days are a detailed written record of a pupil’s curricular performance over a specified period of time. Besides the oral communication between the parents and the teachers, report cards are efficient means of providing a “legal” documentary record of their child’s performance. These are great for presenting the educational success of a student.

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  • File Count 1
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