Download Beautiful Month Calendar Design with Different Nature Photos for each Month – MS Word Template

One of the very first concepts we get to learn as kids is the concept of date, days, and time!

The use of calendars and how to read them to know the day for us is one of the most vital parts of our lives. We all remember seeing those beautiful, colorful calendars hung on the house walls that told us the months and dates. The calendars these days have, however, turned to online ones or the ones we keep on our mobile devices to help us read the day and month. In the lunar calendar, each year has been divided into 12 months. These months are regarded as the period of the completion of one lunar cycle or the moon’s rotational cycle. A month calendar is, therefore, a document that contains a fixed, standardized pattern of display of the periodic months. A month begins with date 1 and ends at either 28th, 29th, 30th, or 31st, depending upon the rotation of the moon. Each month shows the number of weeks, Sundays, holidays, and the number of days lying in each month.

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