5 Free Customizable Sheet Templates in MS Word

The purpose of using the sheet is to record the details of an event or an activity. These sheets are very commonly used for professional and personal use.  It is not possible for an individual to remember the details. So, using the sheet saves him from a lot of problems. These sheets are also used by organizations when they want to record the details of the employee for many reasons such as calculating pay and a lot more.

Fact sheet Template

The fact sheet is generally used to represent the data collected from different sources for a particular purpose. In the fact sheet, the key points are represented using bullets, headings, etc. to make them more prominent. This sheet is generally designed for a specific purpose. For example, a manufacturer may use the fact sheet to give information about the product he sells. The purpose of the fact sheet is to provide information that can be regarded as a fact.

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Rate sheet Template

A rate sheet is used to show the prices of the items a particular retailer is selling. This is used while selling or purchasing several items. It is a simple sheet that records the charges of the products or services being sold. It may also display the interest rate in some cases.

This is very useful as many retailers don’t know that at which price they should sell the products. So, the manufacturer sends the rate sheet to the retailer in which the rates of all the items are mentioned.  This is also very useful for the purchaser who wants to know the rates of every item before buying.

Microsoft Word Version

PDF Version

Overtime Sheet Format

Many people work extra hours just to be paid more. Companies use this when they want to record the total working hours of the employees. A normal timesheet records the normal working routine of the employee. But, when the employee works extra hours, there is a separate sheet used for this purpose. In this document, the charges per hour are mentioned. The salary of the employee for overtime is calculated and then it is added to the regular salary

MS Office Word Version

PDF Version

Medication Sheet Sample

A medication sheet is used for many purposes. Different drug stores use this to know the availability of the drugs in the store. The number of drugs brought and charges are mentioned. This is also used for the patient who is administered the medicines to treat a particular medical issue. This is used when the medical history of the patient is required.

MS Word Version

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Tracking Sheet Format

A tracking sheet is one of the most common sheets used by the management department of the company. There are various details that need to be recorded in several instances. No matter in which scenario you want to use this, it is always a useful tool to perform the tracking. This is useful when you want to track the documents you distributed among different people and now you want to retrieve them  

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