Download Cash Budget Report Template


Cash Budget in financial terms means an estimate of cash inflows and outflows during a specific time period. The estimate includes an approximation of loans paid and receipts, expenses paid, and revenue collected in the upcoming time frame. The cash budget is used to predict how the entity would perform in the future.

A Cash Budget Report would include a detailed analysis of the cash inflows and outflows with in-depth reasoning of every increase and decrease that would affect the entity in an upcoming time frame. These reports are used by investors, suppliers, and creditors for deciding whether they should indulge in the business.


Cash Budget Reports usually covers the following points:

  • Inflows
  • Outflows
  • Loans Payable
  • Payments Due
  • Money receivable from clients

Along with a detailed explanation of how each would be affected by the market trends and the financial status of clients, suppliers, and other associates.

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  • File Size 13.75 KB
  • File Count 1
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